Victoria Addams

What she did before Spice Girls:
Ex-lead singer in a band

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Other stuff: She pierced her nail, goes only for
brand names like Gucci & Armani.

Would most like to:
Have bigger boobs and unlimited spending at Gucci.

How do you rate Asian men?
Oh, the men here are definitely the sexiest in Asia - they
are all so well-dressed. Definitely chicken korma hot 'n'

Now that you're a mega wannabe, whose face would you kick
sand in?
I believe in girl power. That means we stand up for
ourselves and not resort to bitchy stunts.

If you had to attend the Grammys, which designer label
would you wear?
Something low-key like Prada or Gucci.

Where, on your favourite hunk, would you place a red hot
chilli pepper?
I would string a birthday suited Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) up,
put 10 chillies in his mouth and watch him cry!!

Which boy bands do you listen to?
I love Oasis, and Fool's Garden - the Brit boys just get me

Which is your favourite member of Take That?
Howard - he's got a fab body and is a wicked dancer!

Complete this: If I had a slice of lime, I would:
Just eat it.

I'd really wanabe:
able to put a smile on people's faces with my music.

I'd really wanna hang out with:
Juliette Lewis, she's smart and spunky.

But I'd really wanna steam it up with:
Ray Liotta. He's not Brad Pitt, - good looking, but he's
real sexy.

Can't do without:
love, love, LOVE!

I'm also great at:
juggling; just the basic 3, 4 balls.

But I'm real lousy at:
ignoring men.

Can't say no to:
spending an absolute fortune on phone calls when I'm away.

Never catch me dead in:
tracsuits. If I were as athletic as Melanie C, I'd probably
look great in them!

Living it up means:
spending wicked amounts of money, shopping in excess and
taking my family on a huge outing.

My cyrstal ball tells me:
I'll be sensible with success and not squander all my money.

I am:
always, always, a lady. Whatever I do.

"At 21, she's the lead singer of the band - cool and
organised, Her favourite spice is paprika because it's hot
and spicy."

What would people be the most surprised to learn about
I can smile and have a laugh! (I often don't smile in
pictures.) I can be a bit of a comediennebut not many people
see that side of me.

What's the one thing you can't say "no" to?
A good melody.

What's your most treasured possession?
My family

What is the quality you most like in a man?
Humour and when they're sexy in an unobvious way and not
aware of it.

Any advice to teenagers out there?
Do what you want, just do it like a lady! Also big thanks to
everyone in Singapore.